UPD: они дали пояснительный текст, я вобщем поняла, что только ленты и ничего кроме, никаких подкладок, никаких клеевых и тд.
Вот текст, я там жирным выделила строку важную, но не понятную, подскажите что они имели ввиду? Англицкие названия меня просто выводят.
новый текст
Here are some answers to questions that have been asked so far:
The dress must be made of ribbons only. You may not sew a dress and decorate it with ribbons. You may embroider the ribbons and create flowers with them.
You must use only ribbon for the dress. No base or lining. You can add decorative elements and accessories. Just be careful not to add props, such as cigarettes, a dog, etc. Accessorizing is ok, but no props.
You can us any colour ribbon you like, you can use several colours if you want.
You can use anything that is classified as a ribbon. Lace ribbon would be OK, but not trims. Trims are different than ribbons and not what we are looking for. You might want to check on the Masterstroke Canada site for an explanation of ribbon
Кто-нить понял первое задание? Я плохо знаю английский и переводя переводчиком не могу уловить основной смысл. Переведите плз!!! Или просто объясните что имелось ввиду. Я поняла примерно так: в основе дизайна должен быть галстук или бантик (? бабочка? или просто любой бантик?)
текст задания
This challenge is all about ribbons. Steven Fraser, one of our resident judges is the mastermind behind Masterstroke Canada Inc.(Dressmaker Details). Steven mentioned that ribbons were the foundation of MCI, so he suggested that we "tie one on"! Your challenge this week is to use only ribbons to create a fabulous design. You may choose to create daywear, night wear or casual wear for this challenge. Remember it must be couture.