Последнее задание феерично, для меня оно будет самым легким во всем конкурсе. Не знаю кого благодарить за такую удачу, но все равно спасибо тому кто это придумал!


Your final challenge will be what this competition is all about...Avant Garde(AG) and who better to inspire you to the heights of Avant Garde, but the embodiment of AG herself...Lady Gaga. This superstar is Avant Garde to the max with a little splash of fantasy to keep everyone on their toes and speaking of toes don't forget those Gaga shoes. Wherever she goes Lady G goes there in Avant Garde style. Heck I'd like to bet that she wears AG to take out her garbage!!! With that in mind your final challenge is to design an outfit that would suit Lady G to a T.