Не все, у кого есть крылья, – ангелы.
А вдруг кто знает, где купить Волксов в Токио? Хочу себе сделать подарок на Новый Год, как раз к нам на НГ от туда подруга приезжает, хочу её озадачить покупкой мне Волкса.
ORCL, да, 2 недели уже прошло внезапно ))
Well, you could start with the Volks store in Shinjuku. It's in the BIGS department store connected to the East Shinjuku subway station, on B1F. I went there back in March. The doll stuff is all near the back. Up front are all the figures. They had pretty standard clothes, I think, as well as shoes and socks. They also had the vinyl dollfies in the same general area. The stands and paintbrushes were over by the register.